Chilling Reign Set Gym Challenge Leader Board
New Set Gym Challenge Leader Board is UP!!! Professor Merv laid down the gauntlet recently. For the first time ever, we are having an In-Real-Life (IRL) Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG) Gym Challenge Game at Sumner Gym. You can find out how it works here. Challenge will end 19th June when Chilling Reign Launches. Check back here often to check the leader board.
UPDATES (15th June 2021):
"Beginner Level Hugo Scott took 3rd place for winning Gym Leader Jonny TWICE battling his Intermediate-level ADP. Well done Hugo!" - Professor Merv
p.s. Professor Merv promises that this challenge is open to all levels! Even if you don't have a deck, you can rent one in-store to enter! Come and try it out and see how you fair against our Sumner Gym Trainers!