New Pokemon TCG School Holiday Program is out now

New Pokemon TCG School Holiday Program is out now

SJAY2K and Brokenvase Games have come together to present this School Holidays Program for learning and playing Pokemon Cards!

Every week this school holiday...

>> Pack Battle......... Tuesday! 10am - 2pm

  • FREE Learn-to-Play
  • $8 Pack Battle to win Prizes! 
  • $5 Rent a deck to play a Casual Game


>> Trade Night........ Thursday! 3pm - 7pm

  • FREE Learn-to-Play
  • $5 Rent a deck to play a Casual Game
  • Bring your binder to trade with others


>> Gym Challenge.. Sunday! 1pm - 5pm

  • FREE Learn-to-Play
  • $5 Rent a deck to play a Casual Game
  • $5 Gym Challenge Battle to Win Prizes!

We hope to see you there sometime soon...

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