Pokemon Championships Regionals Just Got Announced!

Pokemon Championships Regionals Just Got Announced!

Pokemon Championships Regionals Just Got Announced!

All divisions are welcome! For many of you, this might be your first time since we didn't have this for nearly 2 years because of Covid. For some of us, this is a very long awaited news! Did you know that our very own Gym Leader Jonny coached 2 Masters Division and 1 Senior Division player all the way to the World Championships in Washington DC back in 2019??

Any of you who have been to our tournaments at any level, and have finished in top 3 even once would be hight encouraged to compete in this event.

I know that quite a number of us will be going for the Brisbane Regionals, announced to be on the 12-13th of March. Just a few weeks away!! Time to get those decks tuned! Book in some coaching and tuning sessions here if you want one of our trainers to take a look at your deck and pratice with you.


[ Visit Info Site Here (Rego not yet open) ]

*p.s. Professor Merv is brewing something in his lab... We might have a special treat for all who go and are keen to represent our store there. Stay tuned!
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